Archer's Enterprise
July 2003 slash fan fiction
Title: Comfort Eating [ 16 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 07/08/03
Summary: A brush with death provokes confession.
Title: Comfort Eating [ 16 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 07/08/03
Summary: A brush with death provokes confession.
Title: Love Me [ 8 kb ]
by Bronte
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 07/08/03
Summary: Trip wants Malcolm to love him.
Title: Love Me [ 8 kb ]
by Bronte
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 07/08/03
Summary: Trip wants Malcolm to love him.
Title: Andorian Adventure [ 56 kb ]
by Kylie Lee and TheGrrrl
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 07/21/03
Summary: Archer, Tucker, and T'Pol are captured by Andorian commandoes.
Title: Andorian Adventure [ 56 kb ]
by Kylie Lee and TheGrrrl
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 07/21/03
Summary: Archer, Tucker, and T'Pol are captured by Andorian commandoes.
Title: Desperations [ 20 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 07/27/03
Summary: Four months until Cadet Mayweather's graduation from the Academy, Mayweather decides he and the newly promoted Lieutenant Reed could both use a break away from life.
Title: Desperations [ 20 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 07/27/03
Summary: Four months until Cadet Mayweather's graduation from the Academy, Mayweather decides he and the newly promoted Lieutenant Reed could both use a break away from life.
Title: Consequences [ 20 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 07/28/03
Summary: Archer worries about the consequences of his actions.
Title: Consequences [ 20 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 07/28/03
Summary: Archer worries about the consequences of his actions.
Title: Reunions [ 20 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: AU; Date: 07/28/03
Summary: Life finally hands Ensign Mayweather and Lieutenant Reed a well-deserved break.
Title: Reunions [ 20 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: AU; Date: 07/28/03
Summary: Life finally hands Ensign Mayweather and Lieutenant Reed a well-deserved break.
Title: Security [ 12 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 07/30/03
Summary: A crisis brings an awakening.
Title: Security [ 12 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 07/30/03
Summary: A crisis brings an awakening.
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.