Title: Six Foot Boomer

Author: Qzeebrella

E-mail: qzeebrella@yahoo.com

Date: 09/26/2003; reposted to AE 1/4/04

Fandom: Enterprise

Category: Gen

Main character: Mayweather

Disclaimer: The show and the characters belong to Paramount, no profit being made. No infringement on Paramount or the creator's of the song this is based on is intended. The story below is mine.

Archive: Archer's Enterprise

Feedback: yes

Early one fall day a pilot who was very good
Was far from home and lost in a deep dark wood
"Enterprise, where is Enterprise? They have taken her away."
"I'll help you find the Enterprise Travis, let's use the shuttlepod."
Up into the pilot seat Travis hopped
But they hadn't gone far when the pod stopped
Malcolm set the autopilot and Travis wondered why
Then he saw Malcolm's face, his expression sly

Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown Boomer,
Flying with Malcolm on an Andorian run
Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown Boomer
On an Andorian run.

Pretty soon Malcolm began to feel the heat
Took off his uniform and folded it neat
Now in only his skivvies, feeling rather bare,
With Travis fully dressed over there.

Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown boomer
Flying with Malcolm on an Andorian run
Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown boomer
On an Andorian run.

Malcolm said to Travis "aren't you kind of hot?
With the engines giving heat giving it all they have got?"
"Yes I am will you take the controls for awhile
So I can take off my clothes and put them in a pile?"

Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown boomer
Flying with Malcolm on an Andorian run
Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown boomer
On an Andorian run.

Soon both were in their skivvies staring at each other in awe
"Let's put the pod on autopilot," Malcolm said open jaw.
"Let's go in the back and have some fun,"
Travis said, "I'm glad you came around hun.'"

Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown boomer
Flying with Malcolm on an Andorian run
Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown boomer
On an Andorian run

Well that was the best fall day Travis ever had
Curled up with Malcolm feeling ever so glad
Soon to be married in the messhall of their ship
Travis was very glad to have taken that trip

Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown Boomer
Flying with Malcolm on an Andorian run
Six foot Boomer, chocolate brown Boomer
On an Andorian run.

If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to the author.

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Please do not repost material without requesting permission directly from the author.
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