Title: This Morning
Author: Qzeebrella
E-mail: qzeebrella@yahoo.com
12/04/2003; reposted to AE 1/4/04
Archive: to EntSTSlash, Reed's Armoury, Archer's Enterprise
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Category: Slash
Rating: G
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Summary: Jon wakes up.
Spoilers: Twilight
Disclaimer: the show and its characters are Paramount's, the story below is mine, no profit being made.
I awoke this morning as sunlight shone in the window.
Where am I?
Where is Enterprise?
T'Pol tells me that years have passed since I was on Enterprise. That Earth is destroyed and only a few thousand people left, brought here by convoy. I can not bear the anguish I run.
But I can not outrun the truth. When she finds me I barely gather the courage to ask the most important question.
Where is Malcolm?
I learn he's on Enterprise, needed there.
I go to sleep this night wishing he was safely in my arms.
I awoke this morning.