Title: Retrospective
Author: Weebob
E-mail: weebob@fsmail.net
Date: 01/11/2004
Archive: Permission to archive granted to EntSTCommunity, Reeds Armory, Archer's Enterprise—and probably anyone else if they ask first!
Series/Fandom: ENT
Category: Slash
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Summary: Malcolm discovers that he matters.
Warnings: None
Spoilers: Minefield
Disclaimer: I don't own or have any rights to the Star Trek universe, "Enterprise", or any of its characters—they belong to UPN/Paramount. I am making no money from this story
Poor Malcolm. I scared him half to death at breakfast, and his day's only got worse since then.
All propriety, he hates his captain asking about him—but I can't help it. I'm powerless against his vulnerability. This slight creature in my arms is a mass of contradictions: strength, weakness, courage, fear, humour, sadness—wanting to be independent: yearning to belong.
Determined to protect me, yet needing protection.
Let me in, Malcolm. I love you.
He tenses—searching. For me?
"Malcolm, I'm here. I'll never let you go."
I hug him and he relaxes.
Maybe the door is ajar.