Title: Mend
Author: Mareel
Author's email: Mareel@earthlink.net
Author's URL: http://www.geocities.com/bdebpr
Archive: Permission to archive granted to EntSTCommunity, Archer's Enterprise, Reed's Armory, Others welcome, please let me know.
Category: Slash (m/m)
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Series: Just Before Morning
Sequel to: Despite Change
Number in series: 11
Next Story: At What Cost
Disclaimer: They all still belong to Paramount, or, more likely, to themselves.
Summary: "We fight and fall down… and mend."
Notes: This is the eleventh in a series inspired by the Treksoap Jon and Mal, but no familiarity with those characters or plots is needed to understand the destructive spiral that can result from a fight between lovers. My thanks to KayJay for mentioning the song "Mend," the source of the lyrics quoted in the summary.
Fight… I don't want to fight with you… I love you. I don't want to damage us. It's hard, being two people in the process of becoming one couple.
Couple… the coupling part comes easy. We fit together so well, share a bed like we were always meant to wake together.
Together… that's the harder part. It's not easy to each relinquish part of our independence to the crucible of commitment.
Commitment… looking forward together. I thought we might want that at some point… deciding to do it now is hard. So we fight.
Only love can break the cycle.
*** Finis