Title: With My Heart In My Throat
Author: Stormymouse
Author's email: stormy@enterpriseboys.de
Author's URL: http://www.enterpriseboys.de
Date: 2004-07-01
Archive: A no-no to anyone but entstslash, archers_enterprise and reedsarcheryrange—but you can always ask ;-)
Fandom: Star Trek Enterprise
Category: Slash
Rating: G
Pairing: A/R
Summary: Malcolm's thoughts after the incident in the Romulan minefield
Beta: None, all mistakes and contradictions are mine! If you find them—keep them ;-)
Disclaimer: Own? Me? You must be kidding!
Feedback: Yes, please! You do that so well!
With my heart in my throat I stood in front of your mess hall door this morning, not knowing what to expect.
With my heart in my throat I am now wrapped up in your arms, telling you that I love you. Because you willed me to live, because your stubbornness finally shattered the walls I had erected around myself, because your love and understanding was something I have never experienced before.
With my heart in my throat I hear you say that you love me, too and your emerald green eyes tell me that you have all your life.