Archer's Enterprise
December 2001 slash fan fiction
Title: Missing Scene for Cold Front [ 4 kb ]
by Looneywolf
Pairing: Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 12/02/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Missing Scene for Cold Front [ 4 kb ]
by Looneywolf
Pairing: Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 12/02/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: The Initiative of a Dream [ 7 kb ]
by Travie
Pairing: Tucker/Mayweather; Rating: R; Warnings: None; Date: 12/03/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: The Initiative of a Dream [ 7 kb ]
by Travie
Pairing: Tucker/Mayweather; Rating: R; Warnings: None; Date: 12/03/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Unicorns and Angels [ 4 kb ]
by Looneywolf
Pairing: Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 12/04/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Unicorns and Angels [ 4 kb ]
by Looneywolf
Pairing: Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 12/04/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Malcolm in the Middle [ 20 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/06/01
Summary: Reed can't make a choice between the two men courting him, but Archer and Tucker don't see it as a problem.
Title: Malcolm in the Middle [ 20 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/06/01
Summary: Reed can't make a choice between the two men courting him, but Archer and Tucker don't see it as a problem.
Title: A Different Wilderness [ 140 kb ]
by Arctapus
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, many; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/08/01
Summary: An away mission goes awry.
Title: A Different Wilderness [ 140 kb ]
by Arctapus
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, many; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/08/01
Summary: An away mission goes awry.
Title: Fine Tuning [ 8 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warnings: None; Date: 12/11/01
Summary: Phlox refreshes his understanding of human terminology.
Title: Fine Tuning [ 8 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warnings: None; Date: 12/11/01
Summary: Phlox refreshes his understanding of human terminology.
Title: After the Ritual [ 8 kb ]
by Adahy
Pairing: Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/12/01
Summary: Reed's reflections after a rough day.
Title: Traditions [ 0 kb ]
by Timberwolf
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warnings: None; Date: 12/17/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: After the Ritual [ 8 kb ]
by Adahy
Pairing: Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/12/01
Summary: Reed's reflections after a rough day.
Title: Traditions [ 0 kb ]
by Timberwolf
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warnings: None; Date: 12/17/01
Summary: [None provided]
Title: A Fine Mess [ 12 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warnings: None; Date: 12/19/01
Summary: Trip is a better engineer than he is a matchmaker.
Title: A Fine Mess [ 12 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warnings: None; Date: 12/19/01
Summary: Trip is a better engineer than he is a matchmaker.
Title: Simple Gifts [ 28 kb ]
by Caroline Crane
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/20/01
Summary: Jon's depressed so Trip tries to cheer him up by decorating his quarters for Christmas. Lame smarminess ensues.
Title: Simple Gifts [ 28 kb ]
by Caroline Crane
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: NC-17; Warnings: None; Date: 12/20/01
Summary: Jon's depressed so Trip tries to cheer him up by decorating his quarters for Christmas. Lame smarminess ensues.
Title: Merry Christmas, Jon [ 8 kb ]
by Crystal
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: PG; Warnings: None; Date: 12/23/01
Summary: Archer is in love and decides to let it be known. But Trip surprises him in the end. As usual.
Title: Merry Christmas, Jon [ 8 kb ]
by Crystal
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: PG; Warnings: None; Date: 12/23/01
Summary: Archer is in love and decides to let it be known. But Trip surprises him in the end. As usual.
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.