Archer's Enterprise
June 2004 slash fan fiction
Title: Shadows in the Dark [ 16 kb ]
by Pretzelduck
Pairing: Reed/Hayes; Rating: PG-13; Warning: AU; Date: 6/1/04
Summary: In a future AU, nightmares plague Hayes and Reed's sleep.
Title: Shadows in the Dark [ 16 kb ]
by Pretzelduck
Pairing: Reed/Hayes; Rating: PG-13; Warning: AU; Date: 6/1/04
Summary: In a future AU, nightmares plague Hayes and Reed's sleep.
Title: Always Remember [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: Deathfic; Date: 6/7/04
Summary: Remembering a word, a touch
Title: Always Remember [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: Deathfic; Date: 6/7/04
Summary: Remembering a word, a touch
Title: Rain [ 4 kb ]
by Stormymouse
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/12/04
Summary: Haunted dreams...
Title: Rain [ 4 kb ]
by Stormymouse
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/12/04
Summary: Haunted dreams...
Title: Too Late to Say Goodbye [ 4 kb ]
by Alia
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/13/04
Summary: Jon's thoughts as he leaves Malcolm for the last time.
Title: Too Late to Say Goodbye [ 4 kb ]
by Alia
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/13/04
Summary: Jon's thoughts as he leaves Malcolm for the last time.
Title: Our Future [ 4 kb ]
by Stormymouse
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/18/04
Summary: Jon's thoughts after having met his great-granddaughter
Title: Our Future [ 4 kb ]
by Stormymouse
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/18/04
Summary: Jon's thoughts after having met his great-granddaughter
Title: Interests [ 8 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/23/04
Summary: Sato and Mayweather attempt to help out a couple of friends.
Title: Interests [ 8 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 6/23/04
Summary: Sato and Mayweather attempt to help out a couple of friends.
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.