Title: Everything Is Fine
Author: Kipli
Author's email: kipli16@yahoo.com
Author's URL: http://kipli.net/fiction.html
Archive: Yes to Archers_Enterprise, WWOMB, and ASC*, otherwise ask first pretty please.
Fandom: Star Trek: Enterprise
Category: Het or Slash
Rating: G
Status: Complete
Pairing: M/?
Summary: Travis' silent pleas.
Warnings: None
Sequel: None
Betas: None
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: Paramount owns the universe. I just live there.
Author's Notes: I have been busy on LJ's Ent_Musing, but Travis tackled me and demanded a little drabble time, so we got this… He can be talking about anyone (though in my head it was slash), and heck doesn't even have to be him.
Tell me you love me.
Tell me you need me, want me, miss me, crave me.
Tell me you cannot live without me.
Let me hear you moan my name.
Let me hear all of your secrets.
Let me hear you.
I want to watch you light up when you see me.
I want to pull you close and know you won't pull away.
I want to know you're mine, and no one else's.
For I can be yours, always and ever…
If you let me in.
But you won't.
You won't let me in.
And I stay silent.