Title: Held Constant
Author: Mareel
Author's email: Mareel@earthlink.net
Author's URL: http://www.geocities.com/bdebpr
Archive: Permission granted to Archer's Enterprise, Reed's Armory, Warp 5, others please ask.
Rating: G
Category: Slash
Status: Complete
Pairing: Archer/Reed
Series: Refuge
Number in Series: 10
Sequel to: Always Remember
Disclaimer: They belong to Paramount, or more likely, to each othe
Spoilers: Zero Hour
Summary: "Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you in my heart"
Author's Notes: This was written for a lyrics challenge; the lyrics in the summary are from Tracy Chapman's "The Promise." This can be considered part of my Refuge series, though it stands well on its own.
Held Constant
I don't dare move… the one time I opened my eyes was enough to tell me I wasn't on Enterprise or the Xindi weapon… or any Earth I know. If not for the unrelenting pain, I'd call it a hallucination, a nightmare…
I just need to stay alive. I know I'm alone here, but don't know where 'here' is, exactly… or when. Has it been days, weeks… longer?
I didn't expect to survive. It's probably assumed I didn't. I can only trust that Malcolm's heart tells him otherwise… and he follows it to find me…
…still longing for him.
*** Finis