Title: The Shadows of Our Lives

Author: The Moonmoth

Author's Contact: moonmoth47@hotmail.com

Archive: Yes to Archers_Enterprise, ReedsArcheryRange and EntSTSlash

Rating: PG

Status: Finished

Series: Last Night You Cried Out in the Dark

Sequel to: Last Night You Looked Into My Eyes and Saw the Truth

Next Story: Last Night I Saw Your Face Before Me

Number in Series: 4

Pairing: A/R in my head, but ambiguous, really.

Type: Drabble, POV (Reed)

Spoilers: None

Disclaimer: Paramount owns the characters, I just play with them. I did it for love, not money.

Beta: From my keyboard to your inboxes—no beta, I'm afraid.

Summary: Not even for him.

Author's Notes: Inspired (unbeknownst to the lady!) by a line in Bev's birthday fic for Malcolm. Thank you, Beverly, for your wonderful writing.

Feedback: Yes please. I want to hear whatever you think of it.

The shadows of our lives are not meant be illuminated.

'I love you,' he whispers. 'I always have.'

'I know,' I reply, and hold him for the pain he feels.

Nothing—everything—changes. I have followed him through time, through space, through wonder and fear, to the ends of existence and human endurance. But some places we cannot go together.

Death. Love. What keeps me from the first, keeps me from the second—I cannot give up what I am.

For the light to exist there must always be shadows. I would not give them up. Not even for him.

If you enjoyed this story, please send feedback to the author.

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