Archer's Enterprise
January 2002 slash fan fiction
Title: One Fine Day [ 16 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warnings: None; Date: 01/09/02
Summary: Malcolm Reed isn't the only one using the Enterprise's gym to work off some tension.
Title: One Fine Day [ 16 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warnings: None; Date: 01/09/02
Summary: Malcolm Reed isn't the only one using the Enterprise's gym to work off some tension.
Title: Finding His Soul [ 8 kb ]
by Travie
Pairing: Tucker/Mayweather; Rating: PG; Warnings: Deathfic; Date: 01/10/02
Summary: It is set ten years after the Romulan Wars and serveal people have died.
Title: Finding His Soul [ 8 kb ]
by Travie
Pairing: Tucker/Mayweather; Rating: PG; Warnings: Deathfic; Date: 01/10/02
Summary: It is set ten years after the Romulan Wars and serveal people have died.
Title: A Social Drink [ 9 kb ]
by HeidiM
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG; Warnings: None; Date: 01/11/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: A Social Drink [ 9 kb ]
by HeidiM
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG; Warnings: None; Date: 01/11/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Something More [ 4 kb ]
by Kylia
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warnings: None; Date: 01/17/02
Summary: Trip and Reed talk after the impromptu birthday celebration.
Title: Something More [ 4 kb ]
by Kylia
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warnings: None; Date: 01/17/02
Summary: Trip and Reed talk after the impromptu birthday celebration.
Title: Missing Scene for Silent Enemy [ 4 kb ]
by Looneywoif
Pairing: Archer/Reed, Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 01/22/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Missing Scene for Silent Enemy [ 4 kb ]
by Looneywoif
Pairing: Archer/Reed, Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 01/22/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Missing Scene for Dear Doctor [ 8 kb ]
by Looneywoif
Pairing: Archer/Reed, Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 01/29/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Missing Scene for Dear Doctor [ 8 kb ]
by Looneywoif
Pairing: Archer/Reed, Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warnings: None; Date: 01/29/02
Summary: [None provided]
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.