Archer's Enterprise
March 2002 slash fan fiction
Title: Here and Now [ 17 kb ]
by HeidiM
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 03/01/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Here and Now [ 17 kb ]
by HeidiM
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 03/01/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: A Trip to the Wild Side [ 40 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/07/02
Summary: "No more running."
Title: A Trip to the Wild Side [ 40 kb ]
by Juli
Pairing: Archer/Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/07/02
Summary: "No more running."
Title: Missing Scene for Shuttlepod One [ 5 kb ]
by Looneywoif
Pairing: Archer/Reed, Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 03/07/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Missing Scene for Shuttlepod One [ 5 kb ]
by Looneywoif
Pairing: Archer/Reed, Tucker/Phlox; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 03/07/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Temperature Rising [ 16 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/10/02
Summary: Takes place after my 'Shuttlepod One' missing scene fic. Lieutenant Reed frets and fusses and begins a relationship with Commander Tucker.
Title: Temperature Rising [ 16 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/10/02
Summary: Takes place after my 'Shuttlepod One' missing scene fic. Lieutenant Reed frets and fusses and begins a relationship with Commander Tucker.
Title: Honey, I'm Home [ 10 kb ]
by Nixxie
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/11/02
Summary: Archer, Reed, A jar of honeyÉneed I say more?
Title: Honey, I'm Home [ 10 kb ]
by Nixxie
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/11/02
Summary: Archer, Reed, A jar of honeyÉneed I say more?
Title: In Dreams [ 4 kb ]
by Miss Sunbeam
Pairing: Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 03/12/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: In Dreams [ 4 kb ]
by Miss Sunbeam
Pairing: Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 03/12/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: The Exercise [ 4 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/12/02
Summary: Just a little PWP. No point at all to it except sex.
Title: The Exercise [ 4 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/12/02
Summary: Just a little PWP. No point at all to it except sex.
Title: Dreams and Reality [ 84 kb ]
by Shamrock
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/18/02
Summary: Reed wants Archer, Trip give advice, and Porthos gets some screen time.
Title: Dreams and Reality [ 84 kb ]
by Shamrock
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/18/02
Summary: Reed wants Archer, Trip give advice, and Porthos gets some screen time.
Title: When I Think About You [ 20 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/18/02
Summary: Reed gets into a bit of a bind.
Title: When I Think About You [ 20 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 03/18/02
Summary: Reed gets into a bit of a bind.
Title: Missing Scene: Rogue Planet [ 3 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 03/21/02
Summary: No smut, just a quick little bit of silliness.
Title: Missing Scene: Rogue Planet [ 3 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 03/21/02
Summary: No smut, just a quick little bit of silliness.
Title: Uncivilized Conversation [ 8 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 03/21/02
Summary: Archer digs his way out of kissing that lady druggist.
Title: Uncivilized Conversation [ 8 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 03/21/02
Summary: Archer digs his way out of kissing that lady druggist.
Title: The Terror That Flaps in the Night [ 12 kb ]
by Sarah Li MacKiver
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 03/22/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: The Terror That Flaps in the Night [ 12 kb ]
by Sarah Li MacKiver
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 03/22/02
Summary: [None provided]
Title: Come Dance With Me [ 4 kb ]
by T'Pau Silver
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 03/24/02
Summary: Fluff, nice Mayweather/Reed fluff.
Title: Come Dance With Me [ 4 kb ]
by T'Pau Silver
Pairing: Reed/Mayweather; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 03/24/02
Summary: Fluff, nice Mayweather/Reed fluff.
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.