Archer's Enterprise
October 2003 slash fan fiction
Title: Keeping the Personal Life Private [ 31 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 10/01/03
Summary: Some people asked, what happened when Trip and Malcolm returned to Enterprise—here's the answer.
Title: Keeping the Personal Life Private [ 31 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: None; Date: 10/01/03
Summary: Some people asked, what happened when Trip and Malcolm returned to Enterprise—here's the answer.
Title: "Rajiin" Hormones [ 8 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/03/03
Summary: Malcolm voices his opinion on sex slaves to Archer.
Title: "Rajiin" Hormones [ 8 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/03/03
Summary: Malcolm voices his opinion on sex slaves to Archer.
Title: The Man in the Uniform [ 21 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/04/03
Summary: A post-"Rajiin" fic. Trip comes to a realization about Jon and their relationship.
Title: The Man in the Uniform [ 21 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Archer/Tucker; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/04/03
Summary: A post-"Rajiin" fic. Trip comes to a realization about Jon and their relationship.
Title: Past Perfection [ 10 kb ]
by Lady Ithilrien
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Reed/other; Rating: PG; Warning: AU; Date: 10/06/03
Summary: It's better to have loved and lost that never to have loved at all.
Title: Past Perfection [ 10 kb ]
by Lady Ithilrien
Pairing: Tucker/Reed, Reed/other; Rating: PG; Warning: AU; Date: 10/06/03
Summary: It's better to have loved and lost that never to have loved at all.
Title: Don't Mind Me [ 18 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/07/03
Summary: Trip keeps himself busy while Malcolm works on a project.
Title: Don't Mind Me [ 18 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/07/03
Summary: Trip keeps himself busy while Malcolm works on a project.
Title: Definite Pastabilities [ 10 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/07/03
Summary: Sometimes, what you discover when you explore other planets can really surprise you.
Title: Definite Pastabilities [ 10 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/07/03
Summary: Sometimes, what you discover when you explore other planets can really surprise you.
Title: Tell Me a Story [ 51 kb ]
by Qlara2002
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/09/03
Summary: A late night conversation about a late night conversation.
Title: Tell Me a Story [ 51 kb ]
by Qlara2002
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/09/03
Summary: A late night conversation about a late night conversation.
Title: Temptation [ 38 kb ]
by Kylie Lee
Pairing: Tucker/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/11/03
Summary: Trip can't sleep. Travis helps.
Title: Temptation [ 38 kb ]
by Kylie Lee
Pairing: Tucker/Mayweather; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/11/03
Summary: Trip can't sleep. Travis helps.
Title: Thread [ 5 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Reed/?; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/12/03
Summary: None given.
Title: Thread [ 5 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Reed/?; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/12/03
Summary: None given.
Title: Weight To Bear [ 4 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: None; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/14/03
Summary: Drabble post-Expanse.
Title: Weight To Bear [ 4 kb ]
by Kipli
Pairing: None; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/14/03
Summary: Drabble post-Expanse.
Title: Tears of a Clown [ 11 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/14/03
Summary: Malcolm tries to help a friend.
Title: Tears of a Clown [ 11 kb ]
by Sara
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/14/03
Summary: Malcolm tries to help a friend.
Title: Pippen Hill [ 26 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/15/03
Summary: Malcolm makes some decisions about his future. A nearly mindless post-Xindi, post-Romulan fluff.
Title: Pippen Hill [ 26 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/15/03
Summary: Malcolm makes some decisions about his future. A nearly mindless post-Xindi, post-Romulan fluff.
Title: Collateral Damage [ 3 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/16/03
Summary: Malcolm tries to get past "Captain Archer" to reach Jonathan.
Title: Collateral Damage [ 3 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/16/03
Summary: Malcolm tries to get past "Captain Archer" to reach Jonathan.
Title: Respite [ 3 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/16/03
Summary: Jon and Malcolm reconnect amid the stress and anomalies of the Expanse.
Title: Respite [ 3 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/16/03
Summary: Jon and Malcolm reconnect amid the stress and anomalies of the Expanse.
Title: Memory and Promises [ 5 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 10/16/03
Summary: Jon and Malcolm recollect the vows they made to one another before this mission.
Title: Memory and Promises [ 5 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 10/16/03
Summary: Jon and Malcolm recollect the vows they made to one another before this mission.
Title: A Pregnant Pause [ 63 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: Mpreg; Date: 10/17/03
Summary: A companion piece to my fic "Just One More," filling in a few missing details about Charlie Tucker-Reed's arrival.
Title: A Pregnant Pause [ 63 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: R; Warning: Mpreg; Date: 10/17/03
Summary: A companion piece to my fic "Just One More," filling in a few missing details about Charlie Tucker-Reed's arrival.
Title: A Night In [ 21 kb ]
by Kylie Lee
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/18/03
Summary: Trip cooks dinner for Malcolm.
Title: A Night In [ 21 kb ]
by Kylie Lee
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/18/03
Summary: Trip cooks dinner for Malcolm.
Title: The Mission [ 7 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: Deathfic; Date: 10/18/03
Summary: A successful mission ends badly.
Title: The Mission [ 7 kb ]
by Weebob
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: Deathfic; Date: 10/18/03
Summary: A successful mission ends badly.
Title: Those Eyes [ 5 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 10/18/03
Summary: None given.
Title: Those Eyes [ 5 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 10/18/03
Summary: None given.
Title: Just Dreadful [ 18 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/19/03
Summary: Poor Malcolm. He's in love.
Title: Just Dreadful [ 18 kb ]
by TheGrrrl
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/19/03
Summary: Poor Malcolm. He's in love.
Title: Dans mes Reves [ 4 kb ]
by Brightbeak
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/21/03
Summary: Malcolm ponders.
Title: Dans mes Reves [ 4 kb ]
by Brightbeak
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: None; Date: 10/21/03
Summary: Malcolm ponders.
Title: Hawks of Morning [ 18 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/26/03
Summary: Nightmares, role-reversals, and an old lullabye. Jon and Malcolm look at what they need from their relationship, and what they find in it.
Title: Hawks of Morning [ 18 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/26/03
Summary: Nightmares, role-reversals, and an old lullabye. Jon and Malcolm look at what they need from their relationship, and what they find in it.
Title: Five Minutes [ 11 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/27/03
Summary: None given.
Title: Five Minutes [ 11 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Warning: None; Date: 10/27/03
Summary: None given.
Title: Soul Stroking [ 8 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: T'Pol/Sato; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 10/28/03
Summary: Hoshi's really bad day.
Title: Soul Stroking [ 8 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: T'Pol/Sato; Rating: G; Warning: None; Date: 10/28/03
Summary: Hoshi's really bad day.
Title: Not What You Want [ 10 kb ]
by Alia
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/29/03
Summary: We can't always have what we want but sometimes we can have what we need.
Title: Not What You Want [ 10 kb ]
by Alia
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: None; Date: 10/29/03
Summary: We can't always have what we want but sometimes we can have what we need.
Title: Just Before Morning [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: None; Warning: PG-13; Date: 10/30/03
Summary: Jon reflects on the past night, and the past weeks of his new relationship.
Title: Just Before Morning [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: None; Warning: PG-13; Date: 10/30/03
Summary: Jon reflects on the past night, and the past weeks of his new relationship.
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Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.