Archer's Enterprise
Title index: T'Pol/Sato
- Contamination by Odon :: T'Pol/Sato :: PG-13 :: 2127 :: 06/18/03
- Control by Beverly :: T'Pol/Sato :: NC-17 :: 2446 :: 11/26/03
- Decontamination by Odon :: T'Pol/Sato :: R :: 1527 :: 08/15/02
- Nothing by Beverly :: T'Pol/Sato :: PG-13 :: 2798 :: 7/28/04
- Protected by Beverly :: T'Pol/Sato :: PG :: 2219 :: 09/17/03
- Soul Stroking by Beverly :: T'Pol/Sato :: G :: 2307 :: 10/28/03
Multiple pairings including T'Pol/Sato
- Celebrations by Perpetual Motion :: Archer/Tucker, T'Pol/Sato, Reed/Mayweather :: PG-13 :: 2000 :: 02/12/03
- State of Undress by Doyle :: Tucker/Reed, Archer/Mayweather, T'Pol/Sato :: PG-13 :: 1993 :: 02/10/03
Star Trek and Enterprise are copyrighted by Paramount. We don't own 'em—we just play with them. No money was made.
Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.