Archer's Enterprise
July 2004 slash fan fiction
Title: With My Heart In My Throat [ 4 kb ]
by Stormymouse
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/1/04
Summary: Malcolm's thoughts after the incident in the Romulan minefield
Title: With My Heart In My Throat [ 4 kb ]
by Stormymouse
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/1/04
Summary: Malcolm's thoughts after the incident in the Romulan minefield
Title: Aftermath [ 12 kb ]
by Bronte
Pairing: Reed/Hayes; Rating: R; Date: 7/1/04
Summary: Hayes and Reed come to an understanding after their big fight in Harbinger.
Title: Aftermath [ 12 kb ]
by Bronte
Pairing: Reed/Hayes; Rating: R; Date: 7/1/04
Summary: Hayes and Reed come to an understanding after their big fight in Harbinger.
Title: Chasing After the Rain [ 12 kb ]
by The Moonmoth
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/4/04
Summary: Captain Archer comes across his armory officer in the mess hall late one night. Early season one, pre Terra Nova.
Title: Chasing After the Rain [ 12 kb ]
by The Moonmoth
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/4/04
Summary: Captain Archer comes across his armory officer in the mess hall late one night. Early season one, pre Terra Nova.
Title: Find Love [ 28 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: Archer/Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: slight, loving BDSM; Date: 7/5/04
Summary: "This should summarize the plot only." Plot? Let's see...we have Archer, Tucker, Reed, a bed, a blindfold, lot's of lube...do I really have to summarize it?
Title: Find Love [ 28 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: Archer/Tucker/Reed; Rating: NC-17; Warning: slight, loving BDSM; Date: 7/5/04
Summary: "This should summarize the plot only." Plot? Let's see...we have Archer, Tucker, Reed, a bed, a blindfold, lot's of lube...do I really have to summarize it?
Title: Left Unsaid [ 8 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: Deathfic; Date: 7/5/04
Summary: The days after.
Title: Left Unsaid [ 8 kb ]
by MJ
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Warning: Deathfic; Date: 7/5/04
Summary: The days after.
Title: Held Constant [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/7/04
Summary: "Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you in my heart"
Title: Held Constant [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/7/04
Summary: "Although I've travelled far, I always hold a place for you in my heart"
Title: More [ 8 kb ]
by KayJay
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Date: 7/10/04
Summary: Sometimes a first kiss is so much more than that.
Title: More [ 8 kb ]
by KayJay
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG-13; Date: 7/10/04
Summary: Sometimes a first kiss is so much more than that.
Title: Precious Things [ 28 kb ]
by The Moonmoth
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Date: 7/16/04
Summary: The last time Captain Archer got a good look at the man behind his armory officer it was late and they were both tired. Facades were bound to slip. This time, Malcolm's had an even longer day... Set during Silent Enemy.
Title: Precious Things [ 28 kb ]
by The Moonmoth
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: PG; Date: 7/16/04
Summary: The last time Captain Archer got a good look at the man behind his armory officer it was late and they were both tired. Facades were bound to slip. This time, Malcolm's had an even longer day... Set during Silent Enemy.
Title: Chasing Monsters [ 12 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/16/04
Summary: Jon writes to his mother about Malcolm
Title: Chasing Monsters [ 12 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/16/04
Summary: Jon writes to his mother about Malcolm
Title: Just a Little Note Home [ 12 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/16/04
Summary: Trip is so deep in de Nile he needs a scuba suit to get out.
Title: Just a Little Note Home [ 12 kb ]
by Qzeebrella
Pairing: Tucker/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/16/04
Summary: Trip is so deep in de Nile he needs a scuba suit to get out.
Title: No Words [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Date: 7/22/04
Summary: Incomplete... a cry from the heart
Title: No Words [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: R; Date: 7/22/04
Summary: Incomplete... a cry from the heart
Title: In His Eyes [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/22/04
Summary: How much I see...
Title: In His Eyes [ 4 kb ]
by Mareel
Pairing: Archer/Reed; Rating: G; Date: 7/22/04
Summary: How much I see...
Title: Nothing [ 4 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: T'Pol/Sato; Rating: PG-13; Date: 7/28/04
Summary: Waking up can be... interesting... a little vignette
Title: Nothing [ 4 kb ]
by Beverly
Pairing: T'Pol/Sato; Rating: PG-13; Date: 7/28/04
Summary: Waking up can be... interesting... a little vignette
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Archer's Enterprise is maintained by the Webmistress.